Hello and welcome to First Date. Please tell us a little about yourself.
Hi! My name is Nicole Leigh, but you can call me tonight. I love cookies and whales; that’s all you need to know. I am a very dorky, bubbly and sarcastic person, and a student striving to become a biochemistry major.
How did you get into modeling?
I’ve always wanted to do modeling throughout my life. I took the initiative to have a fun-type of random photoshoot with one of my friends that happened to have a camera, about a year from then, my friend took me to my first car show where we were modeling at a booth and it just went from there.
How long have you been modeling?
My first car show was at the end of 2012.
Do you know why you were selected to interview in DSPORT?
I hope it’s because I am social and very personable. Maybe it’s the charm? Hmmm…

What is the most exotic destination you’ve traveled to?
When I think about exotic, it reminds me of palm trees and there’s palm trees everywhere here in L.A. I’ve only really traveled to a lot of colder places and my favorite so far has been Vancouver, British Columbia, but I will be going to HAwaii this August and hopefully London next year.
Since you’ve experienced so much of the world, what is your favorite type of food?
My favorite type of food will have to be American! I know it’s so plain and boring, but I love french fries and hot wings. I also love Japanese cuisine. I love raw fish. I also love cheese. Mmm… cheese and crackers…
Tell us about some of your interests.

I like to play the violin whenever I have time to, work out at the gym, go to water bars, make vlogs, stream and play League of Legends, science-related stuff and simply being outdoors.
What kind of music gets you moving the most?
EDM for when I’m at the gym or if I want to be in an upbeat mood. I love Calvin Harris! My favorite rapper is J. Cole, and my favorite bands are One Republic, Coldplay, and All-American Rejects. I can’t really just stick to one.
If a guy were to notice you, what’s the best way for him to break the ice?
Giant polar bear. Haha – just kidding, talent catches my eye.
What’s the best way for the guy to keep you interested after the first night?
A guy that is smart and funny, a logical thinker because I like people that can think outside the box, and of course humor is important.
What’s your drink of choice from the bar?
Usually anything chilled or just straight shots. I hate ice because over time it’ll dilute the drink. Cosmopolitans! I can drink anything, but I dread Cognacs.

Do you participate in any extracurricular activities outside of modeling? Any particular recreations?
Other than working out at the gym and trying out new food spots, I like to play video games, visit science museum centers, check out aquariums, and go to conventions.
Have you any interest or experience in the import automotive scene?
I don’t know too much about cars. I only know how to change my oil, drive manual, and what the causes are for a car overheating. Haha. I just like to appreciate the scene and the hard work and time people invest into their cars.
What is your favorite car?
I love Subarus and I like hatchbacks so a 2013 Blue Pearl Impreza hatchback.

What else are you doing now? Are you a student, a worker, both, neither?
I am currently a student, a waitress, but I barely work at my restaurant job since I’m so busy with school and modeling.
What are your passions?
Influencing other’s lives in a positive way.
Have you any parting words for DSPORT readers?
It seems like yesterday I just began modeling, but through all of the sacrifices of hard work, and time I’ve invested into it, I’m so happy that I took the initiative to start because I’ve met so many awesome supporters, like you! Your support keeps me going and I’m so humbled to have been able to make it this far. I’d also like to thank DSPORT for the opportunity for the feature, you guys are a rad team and have really nice magazine-cover paper material (seriously, though!) XO