Claudia Alan

The rotisserie, the strut, the hair fling, the sticker toss and even some good old-fashioned jumping jacks were no match for this month’s cover model Claudia Alan. During our First Date video and photo shoot, Claudia tackled all these challenges and more as part of a slow-motion video test for a new video camera added to our arsenal. After reviewing the footage, both Claudia and the Sony NEX FS-700 impressed us with their capabilities. So let’s find out a little more about DSPORT’s Miss March 2013.


So how exactly did we find you?

Originally, I thought that my friends Danielle Lo or Corissa Furr recommended me to you. Then I heard a story that Vinh was actually stalking me on my Instagram account (laughing).

Claudia Alan First Date with DSPORT Magazine Issue 125Don’t feel too special. Vinh stalks most of our cover models. It’s part of his job description. So, tell us about how you became an import model.

When I turned 17, my friend and I would go to all kinds of car meets. From following the same crew to all these events, I started getting some modeling opportunities.

From cheerleading in high school to being a part of your college television news station, it seems you have an affinity for being in front of an audience.

Definitely. My dream job would be to host a TV show based on traveling and entertainment. Something like the Wild On! show that used be on the E! network.

I think anyone would love that job. What about reporting hard news? Fox News seem to put a premium on good-looking newscasters.

I prefer dealing with the lighter side of the news. The real hard news can be depressing. I don’t like being the bearer of bad news.

We were quite depressed to hear that you recently became a vegetarian. Say it ain’t so? Do you hate food that much? Have you given up on life?

(laughing) No. I love food. I just made this decision to save a few animals here and there. It’s pretty inhumane how some of these animals are raised and there are so many chemicals put into the livestock. I just opted out. Anyways, there are soy-versions of everything and it tastes pretty good.

Claudia Alan First Date with DSPORT Magazine Issue 125Soy-versions taste good? So you lost your sense of taste when?

Okay, well maybe they are not all good, but some aren’t that bad.

We heard a rumor that you are planning on living at home forever.

Well, not forever. But I really do love being around my family. My friends are always trying to get me to move on campus, but I just have so much fun with my family. I think I’d miss them too much.

When we looked at the images you submitted, we thought you were at least part Asian. But, you claim to be 100-percent Mexican. When do you think your parents will tell you that you were adopted?

Wait, I’m adopted (laughing)? If so, I got real lucky to have my family. It is true that I’m often mistaken for being Asian. Whatever the cause, I’m happy and honored to be selected as one of DSPORT’s cover models. You have to have me back in a couple years for another cover shoot.

Any parting words?

I just wanted to thank my family and friends for all of your support. For DSPORT, thank you for the opportunity. If anyone would like to follow me, be sure to link to my Instagram account, @claudiaalan.