Escort PASSPORT Radar Detector


ROLLING WITH THE FLOW OF TRAFFIC CAN LEAD ANYONE ASTRAY TO HOW FAST they’re really going. For those who don’t want to be caught off-guard, Escort now offers its all-new PASSPORT radar detector with a SuperWide Ka-band and “instant-on” protection. This unit features a multi-color OLED display with brilliant new graphics and intuitive icons that identify the type of threat at a glance. In addition, user-selectable backlit colors allow the user to choose a color that matches the vehicle’s interior gauges. The ESCORT Live app expands user protection by providing instant alerts for active police and real-time speed traps reported by other drivers in the area. In addition, major changes in the posted speed limit are identified using speed limit data to help users stay aware and ticket-free. The PASSPORT includes Escort’s proprietary Traffic Sensor Rejection (TSR) so ware to eliminate false alerts. Includes 12-volt Smartcord, travel case and quick-release windshield mount. MSRP is $349.95.

Escort PASSPORT radar detectorEscort Radar