86FEST Presented by Turn 14 Distribution


DSPORT coverage of 86FEST Presented by Turn 14 DistributionDSPORT coverage of 86FEST Presented by Turn 14 DistributionNear the end of the day, attendees gathered at the main stage where the raffle drawing began. The stage was filled with products and prizes that attendees were anxious to win. Unlike other raffles, attendees could place their raffle tickets with the companies they hoped to win product from. This not only increased the odds of winning only what the attendees wanted, it also prevented people from being drawn for product they have no interest in. The vendors offered a variety of prizes for the raffle ranging from gift certificates to hard parts. In all, the event went smoothly and with the support of the multitude of vendors in attendance, the day offered a fun and enjoyable venue for attendees to experience all things 86.